Dr. Stone is a manga and anime series by Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi that depicts a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity has been petrified for millennia. The protagonist is Senku Ishigami, a genius scientist who wakes up and tries to restore civilization with his scientific skills. Senku is a popular character, but he also has some surprising aspects that many fans might not know. Here are ten interesting things you might not know about Senku Ishigami.

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Senku’s Age


Although Senku appears to be a teenager in the series, his true age is actually much older. Senku was petrified along with the rest of humanity over 3,700 years ago, making him one of the oldest characters in the story. Despite his age, Senku retains his youthful appearance due to the preservation properties of the petrification process.


Senku’s Name


The name “Senku Ishigami” holds a deeper meaning. The surname “Ishigami” is a combination of the Japanese words “ishi” (meaning stone) and “gami” (meaning god). This reflects Senku’s pivotal role as the one who awakens humanity from their stone state and leads them toward a scientific revival.


Senku’s Scientific Genius

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Senku’s unparalleled scientific knowledge and problem-solving abilities are a central part of his character. His vast knowledge spans various fields, including chemistry, physics, mathematics, and engineering. Senku’s intelligence allows him to devise innovative solutions to overcome the challenges faced in the stone world.


Senku’s Voice Actor


In the anime adaptation of Dr. Stone, Senku is voiced by the talented Japanese voice actor Yūsuke Kobayashi. Kobayashi’s portrayal of Senku adds depth and charisma to the character, bringing his intellectual and determined personality to life.


Senku’s Catchphrase

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One of Senku’s most well-known catchphrases is “Ten billion percent!” This phrase is often used when he expresses his confidence in a plan or experiment. It has become an iconic line associated with Senku’s unwavering determination and belief in the power of science.


Senku’s Inspirations


Senku draws inspiration from real-life scientists and inventors. One notable figure who influenced him is Thomas Edison, the renowned American inventor. Senku shares Edison’s passion for innovation and his belief that science can shape the world.


Senku’s Love for Ramen

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While Senku is focused on rebuilding civilization, he also has a weakness for a particular food item: ramen. Senku’s love for ramen is evident throughout the series, and he goes to great lengths to recreate instant ramen noodles in the stone world. This culinary indulgence adds a relatable and humanizing aspect to his character.


Senku’s Relationships

Apart from his scientific pursuits, Senku develops meaningful relationships with other characters in the series. He shares a close bond with Taiju Oki, his childhood friend, and Yuzuriha Ogawa, another survivor from their school. These relationships serve as a reminder of Senku’s humanity and the importance of interpersonal connections in a world driven by science.

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Senku’s Inventive Creations

Throughout the series, Senku invents numerous groundbreaking devices using his scientific knowledge. From rudimentary tools to more sophisticated machinery, Senku’s inventions play a crucial role in the revival of civilization. His ability to create intricate contraptions using limited resources is a testament to his brilliance and resourcefulness.


Senku’s Vision for the Future

Above all, Senku’s ultimate goal is to rebuild civilization and advance humanity through the power of science. His vision extends beyond the stone world, and he dreams of a world where science is the driving force behind progress and innovation. Senku’s unwavering determination to achieve this vision makes him an inspiring and dynamic protagonist.


Senku Ishigami, the genius scientist from Dr. Stone, is a character who dazzles audiences with his intelligence, tenacity, and original personality. From his eternal look to his striking phrases and influences, there are many captivating aspects to explore about Senku. And if you are a fan of his character, you should not miss the chance to buy some amazing products that are inspired by him or other characters in the series from Dr. Store Shop.

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